Washtech and Commercial Catering Services

Posted by Sean Coffey on 16th May 2024

I have been working with Washtech since there first machine was installed in Australia and it wasn't a Washtech. It was labelled Startline. It was in the canteen of a company called Big Fresh that came to Australia from New Zealand and they imported the local brand with them. The store was located in Market Town Leichhardt and they open a second store in Marrickville Metro. This was the early 90's and soon the stores was taken over by Franlklins.

Starline then wanted to expand into Australia but there is a well know toaster brand based in Melbourne already called Starline so the name Washtech was born. Washtech based themselves in Brisbane with just a few people and and very talented technician called Doug Dutton who through out the early Washtech years improved the design by making it more reliable and actually simpler. Washtech commercial dishwashers slowly built up a reputation of been the most reliable machine on the market.

While the imported European brands were made of cheap rolled stainless steel Washtech were made out of strong marine grade stainless steel panels welded together. They weren't the prettiest machine on the market but they 

the only one you could kick with a steel cap boot and the boot came off second best. Then I installed the Washech UD with McDonalds new experiment the McCafe that was nearly 20 years and as the concept took off they stuck with Washtech. I notice also some  of the original machines are still in service  - George St and the other day I was in McDonalds at Bondi Beach and they still had the old UD there.

Washtech are now the market leaders in Australia still building quality machine specially designed for Australian conditions and meeting all water mark accreditations. They have come a long way from when Des and Gary Brent

started Starline in their garage but the quality is still there and if I have a concern I can still pick up the phone and get Gary on the line.